How to Wash the Shower Curtain Liner

By The Shower Drapes | Blog

Apr 04

When cleaning your shower curtain liner, it’s important to be aware of some key tips. Adhering to these suggestions can help you conserve both time and finances, while also preventing possible harm to your domicile.

how to wash the shower curtain liner

If you have tiles in your shower, you should think about purchasing special chemicals to help remove the grime and dirt. You want to avoid harming your tile. Most tile can be washed on a delicate cycle, using dish detergent, not a harsh liquid like bleach.

Use a low flow shower, or no-splash tile. The water will tend to push more water through the tile than you would with a full flow. This helps reduce the amount of water going into the shower pan and prevents soap residue from soaking through the tile.

If you don’t mind the dirty look of the shower curtain liner, you can wash it yourself. It is recommended that you first mix the required soap solution with water and pre-rinse your liners by running the hot water over them. If you are using a tile shower you can put them on a hard surface before you begin.

Make sure you rinse the shower curtain liner under cool water. This will help reduce the potential for shrinkage.

Some people have reported having issues when using soaps with abrasive additives. If this is the case, you might consider using non-asparate soap but make sure to test this first. For example, you might want to try a non-asparate soap test strip.

Make sure you use a mild detergent to clean your tile shower. Youdon’t want to end up harming your tile or the grout in your tile shower. If you have a mild stain, you can also use a mild cleanser and then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

When you get ready to wash the shower curtain liner, you want to rinse it off as much as possible. Most of the time the grime and dirt will settle in the edges, so it is best to get them out with a clean sponge or soft cloth.

Wipe the edges with the back of a rag. To remove the excess water and make the whole sheet look clean, you can use a wet rag to blot it down. You may want to use a low flow shower or to avoid the potential for too much water washing into the tile.

To help keep the curtain liner looking clean, you may want to consider buying a spray on, sealant product. You can use a light coat on the liner and then let it dry in the sun for a day or two.

There are a few other tips when you are washing the shower curtain liner. When you place the sheet over a tile shower, you may want to add some protective wax to the sheet, or wipe it down with an absorbent cloth before you put it on.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to take care of the shower curtain liner right away, without wasting a lot of time and money. You should be able to save time and money, and you can also protect your home from future damage caused by tile shower grime.

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