How long is the average length of a shower?

By The Shower Drapes | Shower Curtain Tips & Tricks

Apr 05
average length of a shower

Unveiling The Average Shower Time: How Long Do We Really Spend In The Shower

It is general knowledge that women tend to take longer showers than men. Men shower at an average of 7 minutes while women shower at an average shower length of 9 minutes. However, as people grow older, they start taking less time in the shower. An older person of say age bracket of 50 years and above showers for 4 to 5 minutes while teenagers can shower up to 25 minutes. The lengths of showers always vary from person to person, some take short periods while others take longer. So, what exactly is the average length of a shower? The average length of a shower for a woman in the US should be 9 minutes.

Why do women in the US take longer time in the shower than men?

Women take longer time in the shower because women are more particular about hygiene routine than men. Women tend to be more inclined about their beauty routine like skin care, waxing, hair conditioning and many other things that women like getting cleaned up before they embark on their day to day activities.

Women do most of their thinking in the shower; you can agree that women come up with a lot of ideas while taking showers. Maybe it is the soothing sound of rushing water or the warmth of shower water, I don’t know. You might have heard some women say their voice comes out perfectly when they sing in the shower, which might be the reason why women cannot get enough of the shower.

average length of shower

How to reduce the length of a shower

Cutting down the time you spend in the shower may seem as an impossible task, however there are so many ways you could do not that and not feel the effect. Your morning shower can truly make a difference in the way your day turns out to be. Women sometimes go into a shower routine that takes too much of their time and end up getting late for work or appointments. You love you precious e time’ in the shower but it could cost you your job or your health. These are some of the ways to cut down your shower length to the average length of a shower;

•Time your shower to a playlist

If your morning seems to slip away when you get in the shower, this is the most exciting method of getting yourself to spend little time in the shower. You could put a timer on but isn’t that just too boring? You could jazz things up by creating a special playlist with your favorite songs of the desired length you want to spend in the shower. You can enjoy the music as you get yourself washed up, the excitement comes in when you finish your bath the same time you playlist ends.

•Lower your shower temperature

Cold or lukewarm water does not appeal to anyone, but the drop in the shower temperature can push you taking less time in the shower. Warm showers are soothing, but they are bound to waste your time, as much as a cold shower sounds miserable it could save you a lot of time and despite that you could reward yourself with super-hot coffee to hype your temperature.

•Shampoo and condition your hair at the same time

When you are in hurry, the perfect way of saving time is using all in one product. You should get yourself products that solve your conditioning and shampooing problems at the same time. Doing this can make sure you have made your and finished your shower on time.

•Condition while something else

If you are good at multi-tasking this might really work for you. You can always wash your hair first and while its conditioning you can wash the rest of the body. You have to master this art if you want to save time in the shower.

•Moisturize your body with an in-shower body lotion

It is important that you follow the recommended steps while taking your shower, while most people moisturize in the shower and afterwards, I would recommend for you to get an in-shower body lotion so that you can avoid moisturizing your skin afterwards. Moisturizing during when taking a shower prevents your skin from being dry and patchy. I mean who likes dry skin?

•Use oil-based products to shave

Instead of using your typical shaving cream, you should consider getting an oil-based one if you cannot shave the night before. An oil-based shaving cream will make your shave easy while it also moisturizes your skin.

•Try a Navy Shower

Apart from these tips that ensure that you save time, a navy shower helps you save both time and resources. A navy shower is where you use the first 30 seconds of, you’re a shower to get wet, then you switch of the shower and leather up and scrub away. Finally turn the water n and rinse off in a minute or even less. This method reduces the amount of water you use and saves your time.

Next time you want to level you time to the average length of a shower, put these tips into play and you will be surprised at how much time you can save.

how long is average length of shower

Benefits of taking a short shower

Many people do not know that taking less time in the shower have benefits. These benefits include;

•Lower water and electricity cost

Taking a shower does not have to be expensive. When you take less time in the shower, you are reducing your utility bills. You lower the cost of water and the cost of heating that water.

•Save time

Showering always takes a large part of every woman’s morning since you have to wash and restyle your hair. You can save time by making sure that you take less than 8 minutes in the shower every morning.

•Increase vitamin D

Showering too often prevents your body from synthesizing the vitamin D you absorb from the sun.

It is advisable that you level up your average length of a shower time to the norm since short showers are generally good and healthy for your body. Short showers are good for you skin and your overall health, showering for too long washes away the good bacteria from our skin, the bacteria that makes our skin cells make its own antibiotics. Your body produces natural oils that makes your skin soft and supple, hot showers makes this oil easy to strip off leaving your skin dry and flaky. These are enough reasons for women in the US to takes less time in the shower.

A hot shower may feel like the ultimate indulgence, but did you know that the average time spent in the shower is around 8.2 minutes, while dermatologists recommend limiting showers to just five to 10 minutes? Long hot showers can strip your skin's natural oils, leading to dryness, itchiness, and even exacerbating conditions like eczema and psoriasis. A10-minute power shower can consume around 80 liters (17.2 gallons) of water, impacting both your wallet and the environment. By adjusting your showering habits, you can save water and energy while maintaining optimal hygiene and skin health. Keep reading to learn how to balance shower time, water usage, and skincare needs for a more eco-friendly and skin-friendly routine.

The Global Average Shower Time: A Comprehensive Look

The global average shower time varies depending on factors such as culture, climate, and personal habits. While some people might spend as little as three minutes in the shower, others may take up to 15 minutes or more. A study by Unilever found that the worldwide average duration of a shower is around eight minutes. However, dermatologists often suggest showers lasting no more than five to 10 minutes. Taking shorter showers can help maintain your skin's natural moisture barrier, reduce dryness and itchiness, and have a lesser environmental impact. Utilizing a water-saving shower head and lathering up efficiently, focusing on essential areas like the underarms and groin, can also help conserve water and energy. Keep in mind that showering too long or too often can lead to over-washing and strip the skin of its natural hydration, so aim for a balanced approach to bathing.

Factors Influencing Time Spent In The Shower

Several factors can influence the time spent in the shower, such as personal preferences, daily routines, and even climate. For instance, people who live in colder regions may take longer, hotter showers to warm up, whereas those in warmer climates might prefer shorter, lukewarm showers to cool down. The type of showerhead, water pressure, and individual habits such as shaving, scalp massages, or deep hair conditioning can also affect the duration. Moreover, the frequency of showering and the choice of soaps or body washes can impact both shower time and skin health. To optimize your shower routine, aim for a balance between maintaining cleanliness and preserving your skin's natural moisture, by using gentle soaps and limiting shower time to 5-10 minutes.

Water And Energy Consumption: The Hidden Costs Of Shower Time

The time you spend in the shower has hidden costs in terms of water and energy consumption. Long showers can result in a significant amount of water usage, with an estimated 80 liters consumed during a 10-minute shower. This not only affects the environment but also leads to higher utility bills. Heating water for showers contributes to energy consumption, and using less water can help lessen this impact. By shortening your shower time to five minutes or less, you can conserve both water and energy, without compromising on cleanliness. Additionally, using gentle soaps and proper rinsing techniques can ensure your skin remains healthy while you aim for a more eco-friendly shower routine.

Cold Water Vs. Hot Water: Which Saves More?

Cold water showers not only save energy by reducing the need to heat water but can also potentially have health benefits, such as improving circulation and reducing inflammation. However, this doesn't mean you should avoid warm showers altogether. Dermatology experts often recommend lukewarm water to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils, causing dryness and itchiness. To strike a balance, aim for the middle ground by taking shorter showers with moderately warm water, which can still help conserve water and energy while keeping your skin healthy. Remember, even reducing your shower time by a few minutes can result in significant water savings, considering the average 80 liters consumed during a 10-minute shower.

The Benefits Of Short Showers: Healthy Skin And Beyond

Short showers offer numerous benefits, including healthier skin by preserving its natural oils and preventing dryness. Shorter showers save water and energy, reducing utility bills and minimizing environmental impact. Moreover, spending less time in the shower can encourage more efficient bathing habits, Saving you time in your daily routine while still maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness.

How To Get Clean In Less Time: Shorter Shower Strategies

To get clean in less time, you might adopt these efficient shorter shower strategies.

  • Set a 5 to 10-minute time limit for showers

  • Focus on targeted cleaning: soap only essential areas (underarms, groin)

  • Quickly rinse the rest of your body

  • Limit hair washing to a few times a week

  • Use a water-saving showerhead

  • Turn off water while lathering or applying shampoo and conditioner

  • Utilize a timer or waterproof clock to keep track of time spent in the shower

  • Moisturize skin immediately after showering to prevent dryness and itchiness

  • Opt for lukewarm water to maintain skin health and save energy

  • Avoid multitasking (e.g., shaving, brushing teeth) in the shower to reduce water usage


In the end, It is concluded that the average shower time varies globally, but reducing the time spent in the shower can provide numerous benefits for both your skin and the environment. By aiming for a 5 to 10-minute time frame, you can maintain cleanliness while minimizing water and energy consumption. Remember, the average 10-minute shower uses around 80 liters of water. Focusing on targeted cleaning and efficient soaping can help you get clean faster, preventing dry and itchy skin. By making these small adjustments to your shower routine, you can not only save valuable resources but also promote healthier skin and better overall hygiene. Adopting efficient shower habits is a small yet impactful step towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you’ve still got questions about average shower time, then these may help:

How Long Should A Shower Take For A Guy?

The ideal shower duration for a guy is typically between 5 to 10 minutes. This time frame is sufficient to clean essential areas like the underarms, groin, and feet while preventing over-washing, which can strip the skin of its natural oils. Shorter showers also conserve water and energy, promoting eco-friendly habits while maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness.

How Much Water Does 20 Minute Shower Use?

A 20-minute shower can consume a significant amount of water, depending on the flow rate of the showerhead. On average, a standard showerhead uses 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters) of water per minute. Therefore, a 20-minute shower would consume about 50 gallons (190 liters) of water. Installing a water-saving showerhead or reducing shower time can help conserve water and lower your environmental impact.

Is It Bad To Take A 25 Minute Shower?

Taking a 25-minute shower is not advisable, as it can have several negative consequences. Long showers can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Additionally, such extended shower durations can waste a significant amount of water and energy, contributing to higher utility bills and increased environmental impact. Reducing shower time to 5-10 minutes is recommended for maintaining skin health and promoting eco-friendly habits.

Do Boys Or Girls Take Longer Showers?

There is no definitive rule on whether boys or girls take longer showers, as shower duration can vary greatly depending on individual habits, personal preferences, and daily routines. Factors such as hair length, grooming activities, and personal hygiene practices can influence shower time. It is important to focus on adopting efficient shower habits for both boys and girls to conserve water, save energy, and maintain skin health.

Is It OK For Men To Shower Everyday?

Showering every day is generally acceptable for men, especially for those who engage in regular physical activity, have a physically demanding job, or live in a hot, humid climate. However, it is essential to avoid over-washing and use gentle, non-drying soaps to prevent skin irritation or dryness. If a man has sensitive or dry skin, showering every other day or using lukewarm water may be more suitable.

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